Nikolics Lilla Educational Psychologist, Bilingual School Psychologist - Hol a Helyem Iskolapszichológiai Tanácsadó Központ

Nikolics Lilla

child psychologist, bilingual educational and school psychologist

Lilla is a child psychologist, bilingual educational and school psychologist. She is looking forward to supporting children and teenagers with academic and/or behavioral difficulties in school.

During the psychoeducational evaluation process, Lilla creates a warm and supportive environment for the students. She also builds open communication with parents and educators and presents the evaluation results in a comprehensive way. As part of the evaluation, she conducts classroom observations to understand the student’s behavior and the environmental factors. The main purpose of an evaluation is to improve the learning process of students, parents, and educators.

Curriculum Vitae

Lilla brings her experience from Oakland, California, where she worked as a Bilingual School Psychologist for six years at Aspire Public Schools. At Aspire, Lilla worked in a full-inclusion model, and she was part of a dynamic school psychologist and special education team that thrived to implement best practices in their work. Part of her role was to support RTI (Response to Intervention) teams with behavioral and academic interventions, conduct Functional Behavior Analysis for Behavior Intervention Plans and conduct Psychoeducational Evaluations in all special education eligibility areas, including ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and ASD (autism spectrum disorder). 

Prior to her years at Aspire, Lilla studied at ELTE and received her master’s in psychology at the University of Szeged. She worked as a school psychologist in Hungary and moved to California. In the SF Bay Area, she worked as a clinical research coordinator at the Psychiatry department at Stanford School of Medicine. Later she lived in Guatemala, learned Spanish and worked with non-profit organizations. After returning to California she attended Alliant International University and got her master’s in educational psychology with a PPS (pupil personnel services) credential, which allowed her to practice as a school psychologist in California public schools. In 2020, Lilla moved back to her hometown, Budapest, with her family. She is excited to join ‘Hol a Helyem Center’, a dynamic team of educational psychology experts and supporting families that are looking for psychoeducational evaluations in English.

Főbb munkahelyek

Aspire Public Schools – Bilingual School Psychologist
Children’s Council San Francisco
Trefort Ágoston Gimnázium


Iskolapszichológusként elsősorban olyan angol nyelvű oktatásban részesülő diákokkal foglalkozom, akiknek tanulási, vagy magatartási nehézségei vannak az iskolában. A vizsgálatokban nagyon fontosnak tartom a többnyelvűség figyelembevételét, az egyéni kognitív profil felállításában az erősségek hangsúlyozását és a pedagógusokkal való együttműködést az egyéni tanulási terv kidolgozása során.

Pszichológusi diplomámat a Szegedi Tudományegyetemen szereztem, iskolapszichológusként is Magyarországon kezdtem el dolgozni. 15 évig Kaliforniában éltem, ahol a szükséges szaktudás és végzettség megszerzése után egy gyógypedagógiai szempontból inkluzív állami iskolában dolgoztam. A Hol A Helyem Központban képességdiagnosztikai feladatokat látok el – elsősorban angol nyelven – amely során a legmagasabb színvonalú, tudományon alapuló módszereket alkalmazva, támogató légkörben segítjük a gyermekek számára leginkább megfelelő tanulási út megtalálását.

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